Wednesday, November 14, 2007

Career Day and Playoffs!

Tomorrow is career day/fair at school. It is 10:30 p.m. and I am still here at school getting the schedules together for the students for tomorrow. (No, I am not by myself - there are others helping.) Before you say anything - I DID NOT PROCRASTINATE! It just takes a long time to get information the right way when you have a committee of 13 'leaders' who all or most want to take the lead. Then you have those who get their feelings hurt if you don't ask them to help, but are the first to throw blame in your direction when something goes wrong. Ugh - I am excited about tomorrow though because my sister will be speaking as well as Gretel and Erin's sister Jill - who I have not seen in a very long time.

Tomorrow night there is a pep rally for the Yellow Jackets! We are going to playoffs for the first time in several years. As cheerleader sponsor extraordinaire - I must be there (I would anyway because I adore these boys) and I am in charge of creating and printing the program for the game. The game is Friday night at 7:30. I delegated that task to a cheerleader since I have been doing career day stuff all week. Needless to say - I have felt a little overwhelmed.

Did I mention I have developed a cold or sinus infection during all of this? Yeah - cold medicine makes me loopy:)

Friday, October 19, 2007

High School Football is ETERNAL!

...or so it seems. This season is dragging on and on. I am going to our game tonight because I didn't go last week, and for some reason I feel guilty about that. People keep telling me I don't have to do everything. I did say NO to something yesterday, but I feel guilty about saying no. I realize that this is rambling and I am giving no specifics so the only person it makes sense to is me, but it's cheaper than therapy.

Tomorrow is another day. I get to go to aerobics and I get my hair cut and colored. I so need it. I'm getting my eyebrows done too. On a sad note, Jabbar is no longer my trainer. He is joining the police academy. That reminds me. I need to call my new trainer and set up a time to meet with him. When football season is over, I can focus on my self - at least a couple of days of the week. I have a long way to go if I am going to look good in the long purple (not green) bridesmaid dress.

I must go. I have another meeting:)

Monday, October 8, 2007

Flea and green dresses

The fleas are gone - for now. At least when I checked the cats yesterday, I saw no traces of fleas, flea eggs, larvae or anything else that made my skin crawl for several weeks. Lesson - treat your animals for fleas because NO ONE is safe. I learned that the hard way and the expensive way (about $400.00 total).

Moving on - the second 6 weeks has started. I think we are off to a good start. I only had one student ask me today if she could turn on her computer. I figured since this is a computer class, sarcasm would be the best way to reply. Several kids actually finished an assignment today. Things are good in BCIS land.

My Behind the Sting Staff (BCIS 2 class newsletter) has decided they are all going to take a field trip Friday night after the football game to a haunted house. This is research for their Halloween edition. I will not be going, and have not sanctioned this idea, but I do hope they have fun and are careful.

I MUST go workout tonight. I love working out with Jabbar (my personal trainer), but I have not been very faithful lately on the days I don't see him. I don't want to waste the time or money I have spent with him. I really need to focus on getting in shape and losing weight. Alicia's wedding is in 7 months, and I am determined to look good. I want people to think "Why is she not married" and not "I can see why she is not married." Long green dresses - I love my sister, but must I wear a long dress?

Thursday, October 4, 2007

The First Six Weeks

YEA!!!!! The 1st six weeks is over. Grades are due tomorrow, and I still have to grade everything for my BCIS 2 class. On a positive note - everything for BCIS 1 has been graded! Go me:) I need to run to the post office, meet with Kristy about my 403B, run cheerleading practice after school, and go see a student who is homebound. I should probably go do that. I want to write more, but I am afraid if I don't post this now, my not so up-to-date computer will probably shut down, lock up, or maybe even explode (no I am not kidding!).

Monday, September 3, 2007

The first week and fleas

The first week of school is over, and between the pep rally, football games, and my flea infested apartment, it is a miracle I survived. We did win (varsity, JV, and freshmen)!

Yes, that's right - I (or rather my cats) have fleas. Ugh! I am or was naive enough to think that cats that never went outside couldn't get fleas. I was sadly mistaken. I actually had a nervous breakdown on the phone to the vet. The conversation went something like this.

Me: I have fleas...sob sob.
The lady at the vet: I am so sorry...blah, blah.
Me: I need a therapist not a vet. (uncontrolled sobbing with hiccups)

Ah and the school system entrusts students to me. I was supposed to go home and visit my parents, host a diaper shower with my mother, cousin, and aunt, and visit with my uncle who lives in California. Instead, I sat on the couch and watched Lifetime movies and HBO. Oh yes, let's not forget about TLC.

By the way - giving cats a bath is so not easy!

Back to the first week of school - I like my classes. I have very few students who I already want to strangle, but time will tell. Let me just say that school should never start on a Monday. A full week is very trying on teachers. Enough whining. Must do lesson plans.

Speaking of lesson plans, I wanted to post my lesson plans on a blog so my students could access them if they had been absent or needed clarification on something. Yeah - well, that is not going to happen. Our IT guy will not allow it. This is the same man who took away the back button on the Internet on my lab computers. I am not surprised, just very disappointed.

Thursday, August 2, 2007

The First One and my week at a glance

Wow - I just created my first blog. Will I make this a part of my class? Will I make this a part of my life? We will see! Do I want my high school students to do this? It can't be any worse than their myspace pages.

Is it really a good thing to be so open and allow people you don't know to share a part of your life - your thoughts, your fears? I guess I will figure that out as time goes on.

That being said, does anyone really care what I have to say? My students have to listen to me, but nobody has to read this (except maybe my students if I post assignments, but that is still to be determined).

Hmmm...all blogging sights are probably blocked at school. I wonder if the tech guy will open this sight for me. Oh - that is a constant battle, and it is one I usually lose!

This week at a glance:

Monday - I drove six hours to see my parents. Oh yeah - the plumbing was out at home before I left.

Tuesday - My cousin had her baby - four weeks early, small, but healthy. Mother and daughter are both doing well.

Wednesday - Due to the remodeling project going on at Mom and Dad's, I rehung pictures on the wall in the hall, and I helped my mother paint. The paint looked like bad makeup/foundation at first, but dried nicely. We finished around 1:00 am.

Today - I slept late. (It's summer and I am a teacher.) I ran errands with Mom. We visited my aunt at the bank where she works, and we painted the second coat. Well, actually, Mom did. I was sidelined with a migraine. Dad spent most of the day in the hot attic re-wiring circuits. Side effects - possible heat stroke, but a working bathroom light once again:)

Tomorrow promises to be filled with a varying degree of emotions. We will visit a cousin whose husband died, but we also get to see the new baby.