Monday, September 3, 2007

The first week and fleas

The first week of school is over, and between the pep rally, football games, and my flea infested apartment, it is a miracle I survived. We did win (varsity, JV, and freshmen)!

Yes, that's right - I (or rather my cats) have fleas. Ugh! I am or was naive enough to think that cats that never went outside couldn't get fleas. I was sadly mistaken. I actually had a nervous breakdown on the phone to the vet. The conversation went something like this.

Me: I have fleas...sob sob.
The lady at the vet: I am so sorry...blah, blah.
Me: I need a therapist not a vet. (uncontrolled sobbing with hiccups)

Ah and the school system entrusts students to me. I was supposed to go home and visit my parents, host a diaper shower with my mother, cousin, and aunt, and visit with my uncle who lives in California. Instead, I sat on the couch and watched Lifetime movies and HBO. Oh yes, let's not forget about TLC.

By the way - giving cats a bath is so not easy!

Back to the first week of school - I like my classes. I have very few students who I already want to strangle, but time will tell. Let me just say that school should never start on a Monday. A full week is very trying on teachers. Enough whining. Must do lesson plans.

Speaking of lesson plans, I wanted to post my lesson plans on a blog so my students could access them if they had been absent or needed clarification on something. Yeah - well, that is not going to happen. Our IT guy will not allow it. This is the same man who took away the back button on the Internet on my lab computers. I am not surprised, just very disappointed.

1 comment:

Mrs. Trent said...

SO did you ge rid of the fleas? I've heard they're hard to get rid of once they get inside. And I agree about starting school On Mon. Everyone around here starts on a Wed. or Thurs. Call me (while you're driving, of course).