Thursday, August 2, 2007

The First One and my week at a glance

Wow - I just created my first blog. Will I make this a part of my class? Will I make this a part of my life? We will see! Do I want my high school students to do this? It can't be any worse than their myspace pages.

Is it really a good thing to be so open and allow people you don't know to share a part of your life - your thoughts, your fears? I guess I will figure that out as time goes on.

That being said, does anyone really care what I have to say? My students have to listen to me, but nobody has to read this (except maybe my students if I post assignments, but that is still to be determined).

Hmmm...all blogging sights are probably blocked at school. I wonder if the tech guy will open this sight for me. Oh - that is a constant battle, and it is one I usually lose!

This week at a glance:

Monday - I drove six hours to see my parents. Oh yeah - the plumbing was out at home before I left.

Tuesday - My cousin had her baby - four weeks early, small, but healthy. Mother and daughter are both doing well.

Wednesday - Due to the remodeling project going on at Mom and Dad's, I rehung pictures on the wall in the hall, and I helped my mother paint. The paint looked like bad makeup/foundation at first, but dried nicely. We finished around 1:00 am.

Today - I slept late. (It's summer and I am a teacher.) I ran errands with Mom. We visited my aunt at the bank where she works, and we painted the second coat. Well, actually, Mom did. I was sidelined with a migraine. Dad spent most of the day in the hot attic re-wiring circuits. Side effects - possible heat stroke, but a working bathroom light once again:)

Tomorrow promises to be filled with a varying degree of emotions. We will visit a cousin whose husband died, but we also get to see the new baby.

1 comment:

Mrs. Trent said...

I love it! See, it wasn't that hard. I really like the blog title. You totally lied when you said you couldn't think of anything creative.