Wednesday, November 14, 2007

Career Day and Playoffs!

Tomorrow is career day/fair at school. It is 10:30 p.m. and I am still here at school getting the schedules together for the students for tomorrow. (No, I am not by myself - there are others helping.) Before you say anything - I DID NOT PROCRASTINATE! It just takes a long time to get information the right way when you have a committee of 13 'leaders' who all or most want to take the lead. Then you have those who get their feelings hurt if you don't ask them to help, but are the first to throw blame in your direction when something goes wrong. Ugh - I am excited about tomorrow though because my sister will be speaking as well as Gretel and Erin's sister Jill - who I have not seen in a very long time.

Tomorrow night there is a pep rally for the Yellow Jackets! We are going to playoffs for the first time in several years. As cheerleader sponsor extraordinaire - I must be there (I would anyway because I adore these boys) and I am in charge of creating and printing the program for the game. The game is Friday night at 7:30. I delegated that task to a cheerleader since I have been doing career day stuff all week. Needless to say - I have felt a little overwhelmed.

Did I mention I have developed a cold or sinus infection during all of this? Yeah - cold medicine makes me loopy:)

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