Friday, October 19, 2007

High School Football is ETERNAL!

...or so it seems. This season is dragging on and on. I am going to our game tonight because I didn't go last week, and for some reason I feel guilty about that. People keep telling me I don't have to do everything. I did say NO to something yesterday, but I feel guilty about saying no. I realize that this is rambling and I am giving no specifics so the only person it makes sense to is me, but it's cheaper than therapy.

Tomorrow is another day. I get to go to aerobics and I get my hair cut and colored. I so need it. I'm getting my eyebrows done too. On a sad note, Jabbar is no longer my trainer. He is joining the police academy. That reminds me. I need to call my new trainer and set up a time to meet with him. When football season is over, I can focus on my self - at least a couple of days of the week. I have a long way to go if I am going to look good in the long purple (not green) bridesmaid dress.

I must go. I have another meeting:)

Monday, October 8, 2007

Flea and green dresses

The fleas are gone - for now. At least when I checked the cats yesterday, I saw no traces of fleas, flea eggs, larvae or anything else that made my skin crawl for several weeks. Lesson - treat your animals for fleas because NO ONE is safe. I learned that the hard way and the expensive way (about $400.00 total).

Moving on - the second 6 weeks has started. I think we are off to a good start. I only had one student ask me today if she could turn on her computer. I figured since this is a computer class, sarcasm would be the best way to reply. Several kids actually finished an assignment today. Things are good in BCIS land.

My Behind the Sting Staff (BCIS 2 class newsletter) has decided they are all going to take a field trip Friday night after the football game to a haunted house. This is research for their Halloween edition. I will not be going, and have not sanctioned this idea, but I do hope they have fun and are careful.

I MUST go workout tonight. I love working out with Jabbar (my personal trainer), but I have not been very faithful lately on the days I don't see him. I don't want to waste the time or money I have spent with him. I really need to focus on getting in shape and losing weight. Alicia's wedding is in 7 months, and I am determined to look good. I want people to think "Why is she not married" and not "I can see why she is not married." Long green dresses - I love my sister, but must I wear a long dress?

Thursday, October 4, 2007

The First Six Weeks

YEA!!!!! The 1st six weeks is over. Grades are due tomorrow, and I still have to grade everything for my BCIS 2 class. On a positive note - everything for BCIS 1 has been graded! Go me:) I need to run to the post office, meet with Kristy about my 403B, run cheerleading practice after school, and go see a student who is homebound. I should probably go do that. I want to write more, but I am afraid if I don't post this now, my not so up-to-date computer will probably shut down, lock up, or maybe even explode (no I am not kidding!).